I've uploaded Astraladz on here too now! As I feel having dis locked to one website is a bit stoopid. So here it is. I might honestly do like a YouTube version wherein I read it like someone telling a bedtime story lol.
Here is the cover too!
Psy/Sci-punk Artist working on a Webtoon and making the World a more kinder and understanding place (You will never stop me from achieving this goal).
Watching /👁️\
World Builder / Animator
Joined on 3/12/20
Posted by Ninjoj - September 17th, 2024
I've uploaded Astraladz on here too now! As I feel having dis locked to one website is a bit stoopid. So here it is. I might honestly do like a YouTube version wherein I read it like someone telling a bedtime story lol.
Here is the cover too!
Posted by Ninjoj - September 9th, 2024
Please read it if you find the time :)
Posted by Ninjoj - December 13th, 2023
My world building project is finally done, to be honest I thought it'd take less than 4 months. Yet here I am nearly 3 years later. I was planning on writing descriptions for each location, however as I stated over on instagram, I hope to show instead of tell. Now that this is done as well, I'm excited to do a few more pieces for mechanics - and then getting to actual story telling.
Posted by Ninjoj - August 20th, 2023
Helo everyone, for my big world building project I have currently completed 10 out of the 15 realities.
I wrote like 40k words for all of them in total however as time went on I realized It would probably be best to have them be explained via the stories I tell within the worlds, as opposed to actually straight up telling you how everything functions. I still have like a -explanation panel- kinda deal. So yeah, Equally I'm finishing up uni this year so its all been quite a lot. Not to mention the joys of understanding humanity better. Which all in all I think is up to you to choose :P
I will see you all very soon :)
Posted by Ninjoj - September 30th, 2022
Hey lads hope you're all doing well, I kind of just wanted to let the few frendly bois I got on here that I am still alive. I've been very busy getting fingered by uni and being-an-international-student-fuckery. However much like you (hopefully -and if not dw eventually- ) it slowly gets better every day.
Still working on my big giant delicious scrumdidlly-annoyingly-overly-complex-umisous world building project. It's been helping me tremendously in understanding where I want to / actually am located within the world. It's also helped me sort of pin point vaguely the art-style I have and - I guess the best term for it would be Psy-punk or perhaps Sci-punk as (once this big ass project is done youll hopefully understand, how science heavy a lot of the shit I scribble is). So jajajaja Like I obviously don't think I will ever be able to fully define my style as - much like everything you come across in your day 2 day life, it can very hard to define / pin point one thing down as - one thing.
It's kind of like I've come to the realization a lot of art is just merely one's existence filtered through the hands (or feet if you draw with those lol). And, I guess I just really want to say to those of who will probably never see this, I am sorry I have lived such a unsanitary life but - Better Live-Laugh-Die, than Bitch-Ass-Cry you feel ?
Posted by Ninjoj - January 16th, 2022
Helo I hope you had a good year and have a good one again.
I am curently still working on a lot of things and donut know when it will be done, but hoppefully soon. I had a lot of uni last year so couldnt meet any of the deadlines I guessitmated, but luckily I got a smaller acedmic workload this year which will then hopefully let me work more on my personal work. Gud bye for now xoxoxoxoxo
Posted by Ninjoj - July 7th, 2021
Just wanted to let you(plural) know the current radio silence is due to a rather large some-what-parody-ish hypothetical Personalized Astral Ontology project I've been working on for the past few months.
Hopefully when its done in a few months or so, it will / should / will most likely give more context to all of my work and be a good foundation for what's to come in the future.
Xoxo my frends
*edit October*
This is taking a lot longer than I thought but veri slowly, the job is being done.